Wednesday, September 3, 2008

an added benefit

so yesterday i met with my oncologist Dr. K to go over test results from my hellacious week of poking and prodding and Stabbing. everything looked fine other than my PET scan (had some questionable spots) and he requested a couple more tests before i begin chemo...Here is the breakdown of what this all means.

The two spots may be cancer. one in my upper right arm and one in my lumbar (lower back) region. Dr. K does NOT think they are cancer. I do NOT think they are cancer.

however to be safe he wanted extra tests done to rule out the SLIGHT possibility.

so there was a second MRI that took about 3 hours yesterday and a Bone Scan that took up most of my day today. Quick antidotes. MRI number 2 went muchhhh better than the first one. yes the nurse still ended up stabbing me more than once on his search for the ever elusive vein. and yes i had to lay perfectly still in a tiny compartment for hours on end...but the fun part? it was all in a trailer! which led me to believe that they really could have brought the mobile MRI unit to ME. instead of making me go to it. i was seriously the last patient there (i walked out with the nurse pushing me out the door so she could lock it at 7).

this morning i was awoken at a heinous hour to shower before being at Dr. K's office at 10 so his nurse could access my port (the thing inserted in my chest) which is much less painful and terrible than having people jabbing into my arm. (wierd...i know...i prefer being jabbed in the chest.) and i head to cape fear for the bone scan. i get the contrast (radioactive...i'm guessing becoming a superhero is closer at hand than i thought with all of this stuff going into my system) then i go home for two hours while it attatches itself to my bones so they'll show up on the scan all nice and shiny.

sidenote: the nurse did not want to use my port. i calmly (notice i Was calm) explain that the reason i have a needle and syringe hanging out of my chest is so she can use it without having to send me into hysterics. she tried to argue. i calmly but forceably told her to use the damn port. she called in a nurse who knew how and yet during the whole time kept talking about how she didn't want to use it. I wanted to tell her that she didn't have to. the nice nurse in the green glasses had to and she seemed fine with it. and then i wanted to stick out my tongue and gloat.

i get the scan. it takes all of 45 minutes. with a HUGE contraption hanging about a centimeter from my nose. it if were to come loose...i would have died a huge crushing death. tragic and messy. luckily i made it out alive. it bothered me more than the MRI did. then they inform me that the will not deactivate my port. i have to drive allllll the way back to Dr. K's nurse to have THEM pull it out. LAME. it made me a bit cranky. and at this point i really just wanted to go to sleep since last night was not a happy slumber. (apparently i coughed all night...all i remember is waking up every time i laid on the port wrong (which was often.)) sorry for all of the parenthesis. stream of conscience writing can get messy and confusing.

on the way home mom wanted to stop at the pink ribbon store and get some decorations for our cars. Mom and I have antenna topper thingys and grandma got a magnet in the shape of the pink ribbon. and apparently my reputation precedes me...the woman knew who i was already and seriously had already been praying for me...wierd that people i dont even know are talking to God on my behalf. and i am grateful for everyone of them. bc it helps. i know it does.

YAY Prayers!

tomorrow afternoon i meet with Dr. K again to go over these newly updated test results. say prayers that i'm right and it isn't cancer. bc that would be uncool.

OH and about the title of these blog. i just woke up from a sweet nap. Naps are my new favorite thing. I talked to my brother and was able to admit that naps are a nice side bonus to this whole cancer thing. yes the fatigue level will probably rise with each passing day or treatment but to know at the end of it i get a phenominal. (its the small things in life that makes me happy)


Anonymous said...

Yay prayers! And yay naps! Right on both counts... You're on a roll! LOVE YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

naps are quite possibly the best thing in the world. im glad you get to indulge in them. you know i'm praying for you, always.


Anonymous said...

Definitely yay naps!!! Take a couple for me because I miss you so much!

(And another side note... be careful of this Hurricane.. if you need a place to escape I'm totally going to charlotte to bother Chris and the Charlotte chapter of AKPsi so I would love for you all to come with me so I can kidnap you and see you allll the time because I love you :-) )

Anonymous said...

oh kim. it breaks my heart that you are going through this. but just know that even though we def haven't seen each other since good ol camp caroline days you are always in my thoughts and prayers. james ryder wanted me to say the same for him. you're a beautiful person inside and out and you're incredibly strong. whenever you're in the raleigh area if you need anything whatsoever dont hesitate to call. anytime of day.. my cell is 919-802-8005.