Saturday, February 7, 2009

a Roast Beef sandwhich

I know...there is much less time passed between this post and the previous one. But that is because i have something interesting to say. or something that i want to say.

Monday night Granny passed away.
Now she wasn't my granny by biological standards but whenever i addressed was as Granny. I have worked for Joe Pate for 5 years...and all of those 5 years Granny would come in during the week and bring Joe some magazines for the shop and grab a pepsi (or water if she had a doctor's appointment) but i really remember her coming in most Sundays after church to have a roast beef sandwhich at the bar with Bob or with the rest of the family. I was there when D.L. passed away who was her son...and i was extremely sad when Joe informed me at the beginning of august that she had been diagnosed with cancer. Wednesday afternoon i stood in the florist's shop and agonized over what sort of flower, plant, bush, basket, etc to have sent over to the funeral home for the visitiation. This was my first venture of this sort and i did not want to pick the wrong thing. Just the mere thought of picking the wrong one was sending me into a panic. My first time having to choose what a grieving family would receive in the face of something so terrible. When papa passed away i was devastated but away at school and it was easier to not think of these small details. With billy and memaw i was just on the outskirts not really involved with either...But i know that someone has got to care a lot to spend the time thinking of all of the small details such as which flowers and so on. And not to take a turn for the depressing but i hope people think enough of me to take time to pick out the right flowers to send. I send a basket with a pink bow. Because they made me think of her. And roast beef sandwhiches. And sundays sitting at the bar. And they made me think of my grandparents and uncle and how hard it is to do the right thing in that situation. But if you care enough, and if you make even the smallest of efforts it goes a very long way.

enough of that. Onto my cancer.

Had a check up with Dr. K on friday...things are looking nice and stable (his words not mine) he says i seem to be tolerating treatment well which is a wonderful sign (again his words not mine) well maybe he didn't say wonderful but you catch my drift. here is what he or we discussed

1) Before my shot my tumor marker went down by four...After my shot it went down by NINE. which is freakin awesome i think. He would like for me to do another round of testing (i.e. more sweetlife blogs to read) so we can see exactly how much the tumor has shrunk. the tumor marker started at 86 and is now down to 46 so he's eager to see what we've got going on next month.

2) He would like me to be a part of a trial that UNC is doing with Tamoxifen which would mean monthly trips to Franklin!!! YAY!

3) I meet with my surgeon on the 20th for a consult to get her opinion on a timeline and etc. for surgery (yay for getting new uncancer-y boobs! eventually. not immediately.)

I also asked him for some uppers to combat my fatigue. He said he could not assist me.


Anonymous said...

i love you. and i totally support any plans which bring you to Chapel Hill. and i think the pink hydrangeas were perfect. and i miss sundays at 17th st. but i am really excited for seeing you this week!!!

Anonymous said...

you make me laugh every time. love you so much!!!! have you been checking your mail missy?!?!

Anonymous said...

i am glad you will be heading to chapel hill frequently...mainly b/c if it is on a could drive another sweet little hour to see me :-)

also, i have something funny to tell you.

My Journey said...

i agree with you and sissy - pink hydrangeas are perfect - i love you and also miss sundays at 17 st, we three should have a sunday reunion sometime in the near future - i heart my pt's family and am so thankful you are in my life

Anonymous said...

I just read this again, and the last line cracks me up. and makes me miss you more than before. which is hard to do!!! <3 you