Thursday, July 23, 2009

A quick note of Thanks

I am not known for my punctuality. Or my perseverance.
I am more readily known for my procrastination and laid back (sometimes lazy) attitude.

But i figure better late than never right?

I'm actually not certain of who reads this. I could end up thanking the completely wrong audience. so I'll first say thanks to whomever finds themselves reading this. (thanks for being interested. and literate. and bored enough to check in)

I want to begin my thank yous with someone very specific. Someone who has been around my entire life. Someone who I can always talk to.

Myra is my mom's oldest sister. She kept me when I was a baby. I went to her graduation from some school when i was little in two different shoes (mom was in a hurry) She took me out to dinner every Friday night until stacy was old enough to go too, then we alternated. She always let me spend an obscene amount of time at Barnes and Noble. As i've gotten older especially when college hit we were unable to spend as much time together as we had before. But i've always known that she was there.
She may very well be the best person I know.
A kind, wise word. A funny inappropriate card. A quick chain email to say hello.
Saturday at the church fundraiser we talked about public speaking. Nothing too important. But she took the time to answer my questions. Thank you Myra. for being an inspiration and a good giggle. I love you.

(i am now currently shedding some tears...I remain completely baffled at how I got so lucky in the family department.)

I also want to thank my church. And the group of women who took the time to plan the fundraiser last saturday. Thank you for the time, energy, and love you guys continue to give to myself and my family.

And i want to thank my grandparent's church, the church i went to until middle school. The cards, prayers and giving are so appreciated.

So i haven't had any really awesome adventures lately other than Bonnaroo which was completely the most cool, amazing thing i will ever do (until next year).
First summer session of school went well...Made 2 B's...struggling a bit this session since i am currently despising my psych class. Doing well in public speaking though (which is surprising)
Made an A on my Bonnaroo speech.
My partner and I did our pursuasive speech on "Who is cooler? kim or will?"
i obviously won. (the class voted) I'm thinking we made an A on that one too.
My life consist of class, hw, HBO, and working on weekends.

So mom and I went to see the surgeon Dr. L when i got back from bonnaroo. Since mom mentioned to my PA that i was ready to look into surgery. Told Dr. L that i only wanted surgery if i could have matching boobs. (again let me stress i am only 24 and still shallow)
I'm talking tag teaming, passing of the baton (or in this case scapel), one operating room but two surgeries. One time hospital visit, one recuperation period.
and usually i don't get what I want, or ask for.
This time she said YES! yay!
So i met with the plastic surgeon (lots of women in the office looking to get things un cancer related...I was the youngest person by far, and it makes me wonder what they all thought i was doing there....or maybe they thought it was mom's appointment...haha)
And the plastic surgeon was super nice and he said he could hook me up with matching cancer free boobs. so double yay!
So after a few moved appointments and other associated drama...Surgery is August 11th at 7am

so mark your calenders, that tuesday i'm having a lumpectomy with accompaning reduction.
I'm sure during the recoup period i will have plenty to blog about.

A friend asked if i was nervous about the surgery...I'd say 60% nervous 40% excited
surgery is never fun, but i get new and improved boobs after this one so i'm totally in.


Stacy B said...

First summer session - two B's! I'm super happy for you! Thats great! I love you and miss you tons!!!

Hannah Banana said...

Yay for you updating your BLOG!!